Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fish Swimming By Filter

Geometry and location in space

The little man spends much time to manipulate geometric shapes or not. He likes to recreate models, overlay, to identify, handle and train a drawing material in three dimensions .
He'll look as a game but I see progress in its location in space . The "tangrams" example seem much easier. They arrived after the "attrimats" and "Win your daddy" and I see a lot more comfortable in handling and 3D representation of each piece (at least heads and tails). The game

"Wins your daddy " we are every day since the start of holidays to take on the time of the morning before school. These duels allow a few minutes really good times. This position forms predefined in a defined space. Even if the puck does not win his dad or his mom, it happens every time to fill his box with lots and lots of patience and concentration.

And then game comes with "Kataboom" who also often returns even if the table is taken and even if that balance is precarious
- shapes find flat with model size
model with small

- turns up where you must find the balance in ways not so easy. He must then find exactly the right part and especially his willingness

forms returned without embedding: the puzzle of the human body be redone, "floor by floor", outside the support to be reinserted

The attrimaths , I mentioned here and there , decompose to form with further assistance on the contour and layout of the interior forms

The tangrams, each, offer two challenges: Forms to repeat with all the information or just the outline. And it allows the kid to overcome his frustration at times because he happens to like "about" but it should come back again and suggest something else to properly use all seven geometric pieces. Moreover
having all parts of the same color is an additional obstacle.

The hardest thing for the imp stays in forms to turn in on themselves as much as one face to another to offer different solutions , such as parallelograms attrimaths and the tangram.
And his patience is always a limit to the same point when he let go his own tests. When he wants to be trimmed parts, recreating the general shape and he is embarrassed by the thickness of parts, their mobility and the space between them it takes to see something on paper.

Monday, February 28, 2011

What Is Taking A Shower Together Mean

As an object lesson bis farm to fork

Upon exiting the Salon of Agriculture, we were still some reluctance to talk about other things sex cows.

But where does milk come from? eggs (and especially not a fertilized egg, a chick, like preparing the cake of love in "Donkey Skin" or egg hatched as it is sometimes eaten in Thailand )?

* source milk directly into the bowl .

Dad has a lot of apprehension when the visual shock of the e act before having our dinner plates. And I had a warmth to get things without blocking our son in vegetarianism. It is true that I am very Flexitarian with lots and lots of vegetables and meat is very little presence on the menu. And yes, I am of the opinion that plant proteins are preferred. It is influenced, but this does not mean that we want to create exclusions food. To him to make a choice later.
But where does it say that we eat meat and leather / fur me some clothes seems necessary. I have no desire to leave in a blur or idyllic image of carnivores. As some of these dinosaurs, carnivorous, eating other dinosaurs we eat other animals , like the wolf can eat lamb . We have already discussed these vegetables or animals that become the fuel for the body, nourish the cells, as with lobsters ... but as to show the animal in question and the proportion of meat to cook, the pitch is huge.
So yes, I do not show him pictures of slaughterhouses. I think it moved. Not descended from a lineage of butchers, delicatessens, of poulterers or fighter, I let the images come later, the accident of his life. But in the same manner as in the country, I wish to indicate that farms and backyards are also the breeding of animals for their meat prepared . That for some people it is an important places to live, some kill animals in a reasoned manner (high in terms of quality, killed in a fast and mostly only to be eaten). I wish to explain that we have the same respect as people still autarkic. Eating animals is part of our life is also a history of environment, nature, life cycle . The fish are not square or breaded, chicken heads and have a scratch and it must be put to death for eating.

From this, they also become pieces of meat
"At the farm, Dokéo" Cecile JUGLA and illustrated by Nathalie CABBAGE provides a first approach ... in barn, large pigs will be sold for their meat "Everything is good in the pig." And change the words: beef, pork, lamb, chicken ... instead of specific names male, female, reproductive, nurse or small farm.
And then when we go to the farm, with hosts who do us the honor of preparing their animals, we will look at how they do ...

* source beef

* source poultry

And their skins are used to keep out the cold in the absence of other plant textures.
* source leather

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bloons Td Ipod Walkthrough

Dance or exaggerated body

When there is music, we often get up and dance , rhythm or not. Some music I literally vibrate. I'm going to add notes "sound of music" that lead me to "move my body" in the category "sign" of rogue learning because it tends to imitate me with enthusiasm.
Sometimes we dance in places almost incongruous: the street, a cafe, hairdressers, in a mall "cultural" music department.

But what I also like these are small moments of our "dramatization body" . I dance a lot exaggerating and movements become almost comical (if I was not before exaggeration). So
This is why certain music enough to our happiness. But sometimes a choreography is welcome.

The lion sleeps tonight is a favorite ... we try to do almost everything, sometimes as the hippopotamus, sometimes like a dog.

The lion sleeps tonight (animation)
sent crotale13 . - Gag, humorous skits and parody in video.

There are also those mechanics in the clip of Yael NAIM: facial features, movements ...
sheer bliss!

Clip "Go to the River" by Yael Naim
sent totoutard . - Watch more videos in HD!

And to think that the little man's lack of confidence in him ... Fine, off again!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Halloween Tombstones Funny

Almost an object lesson: males and females in the farm

We went to the Agricultural Show at the Porte de Versailles . It was the first time with the Goblin. He had already seen cows on the farm of our friends but now the excitement was at its height between the world, heat, noise and multiple visual stimuli (tactile).

He was bothered by the smell . No, but a real small city, while valuable, quite a contrast to my nostrils like those smells of earth, hay, straw and fur! And yet nothing at all, the smell of leather, fur, farm smells, yes, but no smell of excrement ... Have you seen the beautiful clean the rear heifers and bulls, collect dung, the straw disintegrated after lightning emissions of urine.
And then a few seconds later, it was the cries of joy and haste to move from stand to stand.
How wonderful to discover that under generic names, cows for cattle, pigs to pigs, sheep for sheep and ducks and other fowls, animals of different sizes and gaits distinct even within the same species . The
stature, musculature, backbones, colors, coats, furs: different breeds.

* source breeds bulls

* source breeds of cows

* source breeds of pigs

We re-sensitized to the names of animals the farm and farmyard to go beyond their vernacular name and generic meat (I hear about it in a future post!). Animals known or almost (like a velociraptor boyfriend) and small pig tails, with large black spots (or pigs "black ass"?).

We visited the salon with a guiding idea, a question came in the morning the animals are Are asexual? Yes, yes, the kid thought that we, humans were the only ones to have sex. We had explained to him what sex had two important functions: as genital organs (of reproduction) and outlet nearby (urinary) . And we discussed that if the animals ate, they had to urinate and defecate well ( see note). And if we see little that they gave their birth (see note ) and a male and female created them.

Cow: Beef, bull, cow, calf (beef for meat) Mouton
(for meat): ram, ewe, lamb
Pig: boar, sow, piglet, piglet, piggy (pig for meat) ( and here for more details see here)
Goose, gander, gosling
Rooster, hen, chicks
Donkey, donkey, donkey
Duck, duck, ducklings
Horse, mare, colt

* source table very educational (Game 7 farm families CIWF)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Invitation Wording For A Three Year Old

Early immersion (English)

The holidays are not just starting, these are also times at home ... and some times with "work" or activity time with goals in the short, medium or long terms .

I had to tell you about this medium. I do not speak / do vocalise / do not read other languages than French. Yes, yes I learned German and English at school, I even managed to follow conversations with the Germanophones and English (and in my case with the Dutch family) but this point was quickly forgotten. I liked school and have to speak the languages in other countries. I had other priorities that I have captured all of my energy reserves.
Until recently (and perhaps even now in my lazy excuses) I said everywhere, and especially to those who put me in front of the nose as a lack (and say that I greatly depending on the company) or a disgrace: "I never master a another language like mine, kindergarten, if one day my feet carry me to a speech which deserves to be translated, I would entrust the task to a translator, most likely to say the nuances. "

Yes but now, I would still be able to exchange with others. And then a leprechaun growing among us and I wish him not be fixated on languages, to see more (even if it becomes a obligation). I do wish him no blocking, no mastering not just the has ability to be comfortable .
So it was obvious, I must take the English (for a first share).

Yes, yes. Finally there is a little more notice. I have no desire, no will, to take language courses as I received them in college, high school and secondary education, although some teachers have a debt to life ... Dear Mr V., your puns, your jokes, your plays, your cherries made the garden, despite all this I missed my almost average German. I want a
alternative learning , I told you about here . A Dynamic Immersion learning without memorization or translation . a combination of Rosetta Stone, neuropsychology Applied Languages and explained by an autistic high scientific level, the Asperger Syndrome, Daniel Tammet ( reporting him being spent in online here ) and bilingual texts to JACOTOT (read link on alternative learning to understand more).

So I started my English classes.
Reading "Embrace the vast sky, the secrets of the brain geniuses" by Daniel Tammet , following more explicit on neuroscience that his most autobiographical first book I mentioned here , many tips are presented. They give us only a few tracks, leaving us the task of contacting the author, professional consultant, for real training. But this book is already making chips, and this both in foreign language learning in storage or in explanation of neuroscience and its practical implications possible. A book advising to understand our limitations, our brain and help resume another idea of the concept of autism spectrum .
I started with the first steps : phonics (sounds), before the morphology (words, meanings and rules to create them) or the syntax (a combination of grammar and vocabulary) . Immersion English is impossible for me, Paris, France. Above that, unlike other countries, our very very good service dubbing voices gives us little opportunity to listen / view the original version.
So yes, I watch movies in original version with subtitles, in most cases. But listen, in fact unless I read. So I took the hint Daniel Tammet: listen and sing songs in foreign languages.

proposal combines superb dynamics and listening . I enjoyed an album and loved working together: important work, recurrent, intense pronunciation and an idea of laying the accent in English .
I started with the songs of Neil Hammon, lead singer of The Divine Comedy , for that voice which I have already spoken , to get an exact pronunciation and well-crafted text. So here are my first 50 minutes of classes completed, album "Regeneration" . Minutes during which I sang with him following the written words. I did not understand much and it's almost a good thing, I did concentrated on the sounds, rhythm and rhythmic .
It's been awhile since I had not spoken gibberish, for 50 minutes in English.

The Divine Comedy - Bad Ambassador
sent Alexander_Band . - Clip , interview and concert.

A job I will attempt daily, 5 days a week by album, hoping to keep in mind a few repeated words in texts.
And I spend the other steps later. To be continued.
And we are also beginning immersion in foreign language 4 years old kid almost 1 / 2. Weekly, we visionnons ( in addition to listening ) a cartoon , known by heart, original version. He will not lose the pleasure of the film and history while raising his brain to other languages. We start in English, Japanese Studio Ghibli wait;).
"The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack" by Tim Burton is the first, because it is already listening loop the soundtrack and the cartoon is sung (and therefore already partly known to his little ears ). And the first questions come: "But it is in English AND French !"... no no onomatopoeia, proper names and surnames of characters can be the same but they do not speak English and that Halloween is an English word!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Speech For Parents 50th Wedding Anniversary

Thursday, March 17: Water Makes Money at the Royal Cinema


How multinationals s transform water into money
Film and Leslie Franke Herdolor Lorenz
Thursday, March 17 - 20h
the Royal Cinema - Evian

Like the air we breathe, the water is an essential element for life . Thus, July 27, 2010, access to drinking water has been incorporated the Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly. Nevertheless, water remains a prey to the interests of econ omics multinational companies obsessed with profits. This stranglehold on gold blue affects both developing countries that rich industrialized countries ...

Debate moderated by Jacques Cambon - board member of ATTAC

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Raven Riley Holding Baby

The triceratops tears

A nth figure arrived at by us. A family of dinosaurs, right now, they still flock to spoon (or grouped).

Yes, I have always been willing to buy them because they really allow a grip, a conceptualization of the animal . I still have that idea of Ark unbiblical, that of wanting a male and a female all categories. We can put in after the their biogeography, ecology or zo ology. They are also
support many fictions the elf who resumed his fears, notions of life, death, food chain. They come to put us on the fly when the little man is angry, then a war of wills takes place: T-rex Allosaurus cons eg.

But this one is not the same "matter". It is not there to educate, not there to entertain, not there to sublimate (although) ... is evidence of a hard time, it the solution found in a moment of anger, tears, frustration and impatience kindergarten.

I am not one who buys something every time his son as soon as we enter a store. We go everywhere together. I warn before account of what I buy, I do not intend to buy. I give the measure of what is possible to choose r and what is not.
The races are always the same way as required when he chose her cakes because they are part of the menu.
I buy a lot of children's books, games and figurines ... but without him. We go together but look for more. I enjoy having time, able to stand without disturbance and possible . So what

triceratops?! Well, it should not be there for several reasons. This is a duplicate first, it is size (and price) than those purchased as without "reason" festive. And especially it has been claimed loudly and bitterly.
So every time I take upon myself, I let scream and cry in public a few seconds . I move towards him, put myself in her height and her repeat not! A not definitive, not so much arbitrary, non-violent non-formal education as seen in "Setting limits to her child and respect" of Dumonteil-Catherine Kremer . An explanation that this is not the time, day, we'll find another piece of game I touched, using this contact most often to "melt" her frustration and often a hug follows and it's over. If the crying persists
strong I take her in my arms so very voluntary and leave the public place closed to have the discussion out, just between us (and a few curious onlookers). And sometimes we take 1 / 4 time sitting next to one another until this happens. then we are back in place a source of frustration, he walked alone to . This autonomous and voluntary movement is an important moment for me: I often forcibly removed and I love him to come back with full dignity little man. Serene, almost happy. And we look again at his temptation with a dispassionate discussion this time.
But this time I had no time, no energy, I thought of another boy at his birthday that I had to find the time. I did not take care of him. The tears were numerous. From those of shelving. I know it's hard when I do not focus on him. But the worst is still to leave him alone with a violence of his feelings, I like this to be YES and NO . I enjoy learning with him what's behind his frustration, his real emotion ... what resume work on grammar emotional. So I bought the Triceratops ...

And after we talked. This figure, which should not be there, its very frustrating thrust of my "letting go" (but not lax parental involvement) . He became the symbol of tears, that moment of desire and temptation external .
The Triceratops comes back tears in our discussions when the rogue application with twists and through in-store "- Remember the Triceratops crying!", It is also in my memory when I seemed to forget my parenting: placing limits me a parental duty but also a right for my son to be respected .

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Actresses Showing Their Boobs

Art, salty air, tastings and readings

For days and days,

A little trip to Normandy ... Room overlooking the Harbour Bridge (yes, yes, looking good at the bottom but on the first photo is difficult)
birds, just a feeling but also real
a history of apple sleep under a history of apple to eat with passion
of local dishes to taste with your eyes closed: A few Teurgoule at our hostess, a gold cap (grapes macerated in Calvados, soft caramel and surrounded chocolate) Chez Dupont , a financier with pistachio and a superb First Fluch Darjeeling large garden (to taste the next time bulk of course!). a race against time and the bus
a desire to make money from sponsorship selfish purchase works of art . Some cravings Noah by Julian Schuster and elephants François VAN DEN BERGHE , a touch of envy of pachyderms.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pastor's Banquet Invitation

Placed in recreation centers for February: Tuesday, February 9

REMINDER: Registration in recreation centers for February vacation is mandatory!

This registration must be made before February 9 next Tuesday!

Failure registration penalties are provided ... then 2 solutions:
- take a ballot to the box, fill it out and slip into the ballot box at the entrance
- or if your account is in order facil'famille, register your children internet: http://

Vodka Will Make Men As Impotent

BEFORE the world for the CTP ... It

This morning at 9.00 as in all the PTC, there was World Avenue Gambetta (20th) at the School Inspectorate. Actually, there were more than usual, and to be more accurate than the inspection had expected. Traditionally
District 4 inspectors are requisitioned to receive delegations, hear their concerns and their arguments in order to go back to the school inspector. Today there were only 3, including 2 patients! Avoeu of AI, he did not anticipate that so many people ... and for him it was the fault of the media!
We believe that this protest crowd was rather there to respond to a mass deletion of posts in schools where the situation is already difficult.
Nevertheless, a delegation of 20 Chantinie teachers, parents elected CIPF, a representative of the mayor and members of SNUipp have been received to defend the opening of a 14th Chantinie class and that this decision is reached from the CDEN next week, no later than June, but especially not in September.
The numbers speak for themselves: a threshold of 364 children to take to open a 14th grade and 378 children registered for school next Chantinie ... An increase in staff which corroborates that observed throughout the 14th: About 150 children per year for 2 years and for two years.
Let us keep the pressure: continue to sign the petition for opening to the back at the academy Thursday, February 10 at the County Board of Education that serve the CIPF, PEEP, Town Hall, teacher unions.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Victoria Secret Silicone Leak

Thursday that it is played!

Thursday, 3 in the morning will meet the PTC (Joint Technical Committee). What is its role? Among others to get the pill from the new distribution of positions across Paris: in the first degree (K + Basic) it is 30 for 47 openings closings class!
is also the abolition of 30 posts RASED (Network of specialized assistance to children in difficulty). In
14 ° is the removal of 2 classes, one in area "urban policy", representing the underprivileged areas, for a single opening.

elementary Chantinie 20 is the arrival of more than 30 children without an opening.
That means 13 classes for 378 children = more than 29 children per class ...

To defend openness, you can sign the petition to the school, come out and show the day before the Rector PTC.
In any case, now is the time to do something in September, it will be too late.