At vows, the Ministry of Education seems to wish us a "Welcome Back 2011!".
First draft budget confirms the fears of September: reducing the number of the post must be for the next school year 16000! This will 56,700 jobs cut in 4 years, nearly half the positions lost across the state Public Service (118,888). When it announces increased population of school children ... After
- dislocated RASED and referred to specialist teachers classes,
- refurbished the training of teachers so they land in front of students for the first time just past the competition,
- deleted posts replacements at all levels
The best is yet to come. The novelty is that the chief education have "won" the right to choose weapons with which it will degrease the workforce.
- increase the number of students per class by increasing the thresholds for opening and closing. Today in Paris, it took 30 students on average in each class to open a new one. "Only" 28 in elementary. Teachers will have make arrangements to switch between tables.
- refuse the enrollment of less than 3 years on 1 September (not even talking about the 2 ½ years)
- delete anything that looks like a teacher surplus (not attached to a class): professor without duty station serving as an alternate positions survivors RASED affected or not in neighborhoods,
- developing alternatives to current brigades and battalions contractors
- delete language assistants
and as it is better to divide and rule, the rule fell: any opening should be offset by a closure (not otherwise addressed ...). Beautiful tussles between schools can be on the horizon. So before
be 32 per class, to replace absent teachers by the first who passes quidam "pole job," deciding that children in trouble is not within the National Education
Come show and shout loudly that "Education is still not a burden but an investment to reduce the future"
Saturday, January 22 at 14:30 at the Luxembourg
Load Press Release of the CIPF Paris
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