Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Asus Model G71 Monitor

Thursday, October 21: The End of Poverty, Evian, 19:30

hosted by the Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development ( CCFD )

Documentaire de Ph Diaz

Jeudi 21 octobre, 19h30
au cinéma le Royal d'Evian
Entrée 5€, gratuit pour les moins de 18 ans

Synopsis: Avec tant de richesses dans le monde, pourquoi y a-t-il encore tant de pauvreté ?
S'aventurant au-delà des réponses "populaires" sur les origines de la pauvreté, des économistes de renom, des personnalités politiques et des acteurs sociaux passant des favelas d'Amérique Latine aux bidonvilles d'Afrique shows how developed countries are plundering the planet, a rampage that threatens its ability to support life and ever increasing poverty

Notes Press 3.9 / 5 and spectators 4 / 5 ( http:// )

Complaints About Artelye

Thursday, October 14: Singing in the Rain (Evian - 20h)

Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen
1952, 1:43
Projection 35mm
Royal Cinema , Evian
Thursday, October 14, 20h

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Volleyball Spandex Toe

ATTAC: Thursday, September 23: The Strategy Clash of

And here's the info for the next showing of the coils Leman:

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cinema France, 19.30
Based on the book by Naomi Klein

The film is faithful to the eponymous book by Naomi Klein published in 2007. The filmmakers illustrate the theory that Milton Friedman has called "shock treatment" that guru ultraliberalism advised politicians to impose immediately after a crisis of painful economic reforms before people had time to recover. Stages of the film were clearly defined from the outset: Pinochet's Chile, the policies of Thatcher and Reagan, the collapse of the Soviet bloc, September 11 and the growth of the industry safer, Guantanamo and the war in Iraq. .. The financial crisis having occurred during the editing of the film, it has been integrated in extremis. A vast panorama, so.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Confidential Language For E-mail

SILENCIO: Thursday, September 16th at 20h in Evian Les Amants Diaboliques

5th meeting of The Film Club Silencio

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Theater Royal in Evian 20h
Obsession, LOVERS EVIL
Luchino Visconti
1943, 2:15, DVD projection

This session will also provide an opportunity to become a member of the association!
More information on the website of the film club: