Thursday, December 30, 2010

Brazilian Womens Soccer Team

When he is not in the ears, it's ENT ... still a matter of hygiene

Problems of ENT do not let the little family during our holiday stay ... but chance would have it, a small periodic free organic was on my bedside table there.

Much more than stop the hygiene of the ear with a look as soon destroy the caps and stamping the wax, Article réindiquait functions these "phlegm" and offered new ways of preventing and resolving some problems.

The ear hygiene is a matter of "no touch" and cleaning (s potentials) softly. The Hopi candle for adults I mentioned here that effect by the hot steam melted the wax. But also a fresh injection cleaning : warm water (or solution based on seawater) or injected with pear finally saline.

More importantly, the hygiene of the ears is also a matter of any ENT and disorders may be linked. of Vapours of essential oils antiseptics (ravintsara thujanol or thyme) reach by air every corner for a preventive health and in case of blocked nose, inhalations of mucolytic essential oils (eucalyptus globulus) are complementary.
It also requires nasal hygiene: use of jala-neti I spoke with there if infection adding a solution containing silver nitrate or hydrosols of thyme linalool (antibacterial) or Roman chamomile (antiseptic and anti-inflammatory) or sweet almond oil in case of irritation of mucous membranes. And by
oral hygiene with mouthwashes (water and an element: tea tree hydrosol or grapefruit seed extract or clay)
And let's not forget the throat gargle with with boiled water and salt (and why not green clay or tincture of marigold) or spray with essential oils or propolis

The article also says naturopath that health depends ENT overloads and toxaemia ( liver and intestines are connected to the ENT and must be able to eliminate correctly), this may be why the holiday of the year will not leave alone our ENT. Naturopathic advice was offered, to eliminate food and others to promote the warm footbaths decongest ENT (it reminds me of the Japanese baths in Seitai recommended;)) ). But also the relation to the kidneys (linked to the ears in Chinese medicine) and liver appeared with key recommendations of hot water bottle on the liver and liver herbal (Boldo, root chicory, rosemary, peppermint or artichoke)

I hope with all this, our ears, our nose, throat (and teeth) will be there to enjoy the feast without us away from our loved ones . And if symptoms persist deep home remedies and quickly call the doctor.
(source of recommendations: "Ear hygiene, body hygiene," Samuel FRANCO, naturopath, iridologist, Biocontact No. 208, December 2010 )

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Can Gallstones Cause Thigh Pain

We're going to celebrate it again elsewhere

We leave for a week we roll in the sand as if it became icy snow. The wind will the appointment, for sure ... we will also have a fire almost continuously and Jacques-scallops on the menu often.

We have already celebrated with relatives here, around a table laden leaving few remains over tea the next day ...

We ate the heads, then arms, then legs and finally the bodies of our little guys ... Shortcake Christmas spices, onion speculos in a row with Santa Claus hat.
We did not eat the clay, but it has been necessary to use a hammer and the greedy hands to eat this chicken Royal ...
We also ate some roses for the occasion ... they have not bathed in a broth with foie gras, but they had great looks.
The next day ... fruit tea and disguised, a plan, is not it?

So for those who are just Celebrate, enjoy, share, eat delicious, enjoy, and especially laugh, laugh, smile, sing or better yet laugh again and again ...
Very warm holidays to all.

Go a little gift virtual Patience BREWSTER :

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Top Companies To Work For In Uae

The bones of dinosaurs to learn patience ... and the difference

The dinosaurs did not migrate to another country . They are becoming more numerous by us ... by uh at the goblin but with a few solitary throughout the apartment.

Like some other children, for example Eliott, the little man took a lot of fun to play paleontologist . So dinosaurs broken almost complete at the time of the search (quite a scam that the toys elsewhere).

We also took some other lumps of earth (clay) with dinosaur bones. And there was another adventure: the frenzy of brutality, impatience ... discouragement ... then wonder at first bones "emergent" and impatience, many, many, some tensions, encouragement, after the first bone out, excitement and impatience again Many, many ... and beautiful moments.

This taste for bones, dinosaur as of anat Omie generally or overall, has not diminished, however. Skeletons in a room with skeletons of dinosaurs to rise with parental assistance ... Tyrannosaurus rex and then to a meter.

After laying the pieces in order, goblin could climb almost single phenomenon which is now part of the house ... he joined another specimen is very incomplete but impressive, the top of the skull of another Tyrannosaurus .

So no, we do not learn name dinosaur bones, we discover just . We looked on that well- if they were different from each other , here is a skeleton of Tyrannosaurus to get an idea . The
legs were different : hindlimbs and earlier. But also
spine neck than that of the tail . The pelvic girdle
was also compared to ours , bipedal to that of bird x .

Moreover we have focused attention particular to the clavicle without us a good idea because of the stylization necessary on a toy, even of this quality ... The furcula (range) should, for some, be a evidence of evolution between dinosaurs and birds , so we wanted to do well compared with the skeleton of the chicken eaten the Christmas before, but this will come later, when we look a little more, here it is in English . (Yes, yes, a Christmas dinner before the hour!)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Recipe Angel Hair Cole Slaw Pasta

Khaki, a unit for Christmas

is looking out the window of Colibri that I went back to dreaming ... view on a persimmon, fig tree keg. I absolutely love this fruit that my mom has always called by its Japanese name , khaki . It is part of my learning primed and astringency ... I often had my lips dripping with the overripe fruit eaten . It is also, with the quince tree, I love.

But it is also a table in the house. Where is he anyway? A table between green and purple if I remember correctly. A broadly based on a superb sumi-e Mu C'h i.

These are voids between 6 persimmons that matter, to go further go ahead here .

What this simply for a Christmas tree, a naked tree with huge orange balls that fall off on their own
enough to make a snow ball (with a khaki frozen sorbet Supreme )
enough to make a garland, leaving dried persimmons as in Japan,

* source persimmons hung, drying up due to frost and cold wind

In Japanese What also prepare the treat under the Christmas tree (well after a few months) with the dried fruit: a Hoshigaki persimmons base acres and not sweet persimmon or Anpogaki, dried persimmon, and bearing suffers softness

* persimmons hung and the process

If you're tempted by the dried persimmon, persimmons follow the link or hanged here to learn more about peeling before or hanging there if you speak Japanese but the patterns are adorable

Or use khaki ball christmas jelly

* source khaki decoration

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Are The Most Common Roulette Numbers

The heady Tung Ting Shan

I finished Gently Tung Ting Shan, semi-fermented tea from Taiwan . I do not know when I bought it, I do not know if it has aged well ... I do not know yet enjoy all the splendours of the great wines of teas.

Regrettably I did the cup with a tea filter stainless Bodum. But what a joy to have one! It allows me to take advantage of loose teas, good tea, a simple, practical and very spontaneously. Only I can not find my account tasting.
As if all the utensils to prepare teas, make a bit of vacuum on my coffee table (just a bit, the rest of the table is awash in books and daily business weekly), tidy, would also refocus, take off, to focus on ourselves and not make this drink accompaniment of the moment.

While a large cup, a cup that often cools. And last night it was so cold tea, a Tung Ting Shan costs. Often my taste buds do not know to navigate with the fresh, as if they had the warm, hot, the "to room temperature " or 37 ° C almost. But this time, it was the flavor of " frangipani "me hanging lips ... to allow the liquid to flow more smoothly in the mouth all cavity, whole language, to the esophagus.
That is, the heady side is very strong ... normal, but it's pretty amazing to consider that this tension, perhaps rétroolfactive, appeared there. What Tung Ting Sha re a hot ... zhong

* source Polianthes tuberosum its

A desire to bask, but also a feel like stopping. A very heady sweet side, like a perfume tuberous . Besides, it's quite that ... a desire to dive with a desire not to drink too much (this oolong).

And then found a pleasure, that of seeing the bubbles between the tea leaves ... air trapped in the tea, be it Taiwan or movement of the lid zhong, how important it is beautiful!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pokemon Black And White On Gpsphone

Eustachian Tube yourself ... or worry about a friend cons otitis

No, but sometimes! Because my childish ear infections lasted longer than necessary, with the final 8 years to a perforated eardrum, because the dad is a regular allergy to pollen, because the goblin is a victim of otitis in otitis media, he had to make his acquaintance, to C and Eustache with his trunk. No, no it is not an elephant ... or just a mistake, imagining that the head of the elephant or the middle ear (the eye is like a snail) and our own external ears, the trunk is the portion of the ear towards the nose and can release water from our nostrils. Not very clear, bah I'll let the picture:

* source ear (inner, middle, external)

The eustachian tube is the vent flap between the ear and nose . If the role interests you, please read here. I spoke there
of hygiene of the ear with massage and foot bath that we practice during otitis , but never knowing how to prevent ear problems.
The link between the various ENT infections was clear but the interest of the function of the eustachian tube still unknown (and ear infections and sinusitis). We were informed that the nose blowing should be well to limit acute otitis, then yes we are trying to a conscientious trimming, I was talking there . But the nose is the latest way for the evacuation, the Eustachian tube may be clogged and restrict the normal flow, especially that forward 7 years, the eustachian tube is too horizontal to drain optimal ear nose.
And whether, at any age, the eustachian tube is impaired, a simple test : hold your nose, cheeks swell, swallow saliva and air and hold your nose. The ears are snapped together or alternately. A repeat 2-3 times if no result but not more stress. ( source)

* source and impact of the direction of the Eustachian tube

To facilitate the smooth functioning of the Eustachian tube, a few exercises are recommended s.
The first is yawning, swallowing his saliva (or there are yawning at the Walusinski also good for thyroid problems) but it remains a difficult act to do for younger so caused.
Then other exercises help pathologists :
- bubble in water with a straw each nostril to 5 times, extinguish a candle
- exercise jaw and languages , bottom, top, jaw movements
- unpack several times a day (pinching the nose and blowing air into his ears, as is done in diving).
- blow one nostril blocked voluntarily as if it wanted to "blow to the English" without doing too much at risk of baro-trauma or excess pressure of the eustachian tube.

... a little boy explains everything very clearly:

sent pierre1969 . - Watch the latest videos of news.

And if you want to do more in your gymnastics the Eustachian tube, please follow the guide: a scuba diver : the program, some exercises identical to the small smart video (language exercises, with the soft palate, exercises combined movements of the tongue and soft palate, and then exercises Mandibulofacial linguo-class sailing) but on a month ... your eustachian tube will be officially operative to capture the different decompression of all seven seas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kabuki Stippling Brish

Thursday, January 13, 2011, Eyes Open

Presented by JALMALV
Thursday, January 13, 2011, 19:30
in France, Thonon

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Could My Son Be Autistic

Cold: trimming, grog, do-in ... jala neti and rum-

Gosh, with this nose rhub that takes the whole family, no way to replenish tissues, saline or rum (well, no, I'm exaggerating a lot ... n 've made one, I swear!).

We had Recapture the basics of trimming nose , a small rearrangement also for the whole family. We learned how to blow his nose goblin long, playing with the breath through the mouth but also through the nose. .. to shake the candle flame by blowing on the nose .

* source

But when buddies from school or are otherwise too runny nose, should resume slowly ...
* blow nose

close one nostril, breathe consciously with energy but not abruptly so as not to hurt the ears, wipe, repeat the other nostril and throw the handkerchief!

Everything is good even learn a little rhyme:
* blow nose rhyme

And then there's the rest runny nose and head foggy. .. then while the pixie mop in house, a little left to himself, I was covering the feet, ankles, shoulders and neck ... and I blew my nose again and again, and made myself a rum toddy :
orange juice with the pulp
1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon
4 cloves
1 pinch pepper
1 tablespoon rum 1 tablespoon
simmer water with spices, add the orange juice, rum and Drink warm, cozy and warm and ready to go to bed!

the rest Yes, runny nose, or worse, the nose gets blocked, the sinuses become blocked which ... no rum to an elf but hot teas, hot chocolate spiced for hydration and internal heat and then some small pressure points for the whole family: a do-in (self-shiatsu) against the common cold . Or to make a reflex recover only two points VB20 (entry to evacuate angina winds and cold) and GI20 (to unblock the nose) (points return below)

* source Meridian of the gallbladder and source of the large intestine meridian

and stretching of the lung meridian, or the A-ho Makko .

But now, plus we're increasingly cleaning the nose as an act of daily hygiene , more than prevention. Nevertheless, before the nose is completely blocked and so very soft, without straining to be free from ear-jala neti is the treatment of colds or sinusitis .
I started to jala-neti lota but without the pipette saline (waiting to go buy it). I spoke briefly in this . I drain the liquid at room temperature from one nostril to another.
This kriyas evacuates , daily show several times a day as a first approach of a cold or infection ENT viruses, mucous, bacteria, pollen and pollution . I have yet to complete the technique: either the material and the exact formula to meet the nasal cavities (right mix of water, salt and baking soda and an ideal temperature, neither too cold nor too hot).
So I help the elf to do like me, by pipette saline (Close to the body water, isotonic saline) ... until we have the pear / tea / pot / lota special children. Because yes, children can practice jala neti, possible from 2 years .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ex R N Ships For Sale


Since this year and the gradual establishment on Paris map Facil'Famille to calibrate the best coaching recreation center during the holidays (Christmas for this case), registration is REQUIRED.
forms are completed next to the urn at each entrance to the school. Over form? No problem, the Guardian has a few copies with her, or ask the recreation center and you can also download here on the website of the Mayor of Paris .
The financial penalties for non-attendance and enrollment will be up shortly ...

Speaking of money, you can try again after the latest update of your quota with the fund schools if you did not. Otherwise it costs 8 directions.
Do not forget to submit the certification fee and obtained at (x) Director (s) (s) concerned.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Koozies Wedding Sayings

Thursday, December 9: "Letter to Anna" with Amnesty International

Letter to Anna
Film Eric Bergkraut
Excelsior Cinema, Thonon
7:30 p.m. Thursday, December 9 November
Amnesty International

Entry 5 €
Under 18: free

Anna Politkovskaya was October 7, 2006 murdered in the lobby of his apartment building in Moscow. That day Vladimir Putin celebrated his 54th birthday. She said about him that "as he was in power, we could not live in a democratic country." This documentary is both an intimate portrait of the journalist and chronic Russia Putin years. Unreleased interviews and exceptional illuminate the nature of his fight for the truth about the genocide in Chechnya and freedom in Russia, and bring into perspective a lucid and determined woman. Smiling, sometimes cynical or angry, Anna knew that his fight for the truth could condemn it at high prices. But she chose to commit to human rights, and showed the face of unyielding power, always demanding vis-à-vis itself.

The film will be followed by a discussion led by Amnesty International, with Dato Joseph, in charge of Chechnya Doctors of the World.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ovulation Discharge Even When Your Pregnant

Artisans du Monde offers ....

Eye of Guarana

Documentary Jose Huerta
Excelsior Cinema, Thonon
7:30 p.m. Thursday, November 18

Admission 5 €
Under 18 years: free

Monday, November 8, 2010

Huge Metal Core Wheels

Friday, November 12, "Uranium, the poisoned legacy"

Under the International Solidarity Week, associations and Survival Talam Geneva offer documentaries:

Uranium, the poisoned legacy
Film Dominique Hannequin

Friday, November 12th 7:30 p.m.
Auditorium College of Margencel
debate with Pierre Ferrandon of CRIIRAD

What are the consequences on the health of local populations and environmental impacts resulting from the exploitation of uranium mines in Niger and Gabon by the fields of Areva? Françafrique trip.


Agadez 2010, rebuild
Film Association Talam Leman NIGER

Tuesday 16 and Friday, November 19 at 18h
Cervena City Hall - Council Chambers

This film shows the reality of families trying to rebuild after three years of conflict in northern Niger After the terrible floods of September 2009 in Agadez, and in a period or the food crisis is reinforcing the precarious situations.

Free admission.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Asus Model G71 Monitor

Thursday, October 21: The End of Poverty, Evian, 19:30

hosted by the Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development ( CCFD )

Documentaire de Ph Diaz

Jeudi 21 octobre, 19h30
au cinéma le Royal d'Evian
Entrée 5€, gratuit pour les moins de 18 ans

Synopsis: Avec tant de richesses dans le monde, pourquoi y a-t-il encore tant de pauvreté ?
S'aventurant au-delà des réponses "populaires" sur les origines de la pauvreté, des économistes de renom, des personnalités politiques et des acteurs sociaux passant des favelas d'Amérique Latine aux bidonvilles d'Afrique shows how developed countries are plundering the planet, a rampage that threatens its ability to support life and ever increasing poverty

Notes Press 3.9 / 5 and spectators 4 / 5 ( http:// )

Complaints About Artelye

Thursday, October 14: Singing in the Rain (Evian - 20h)

Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen
1952, 1:43
Projection 35mm
Royal Cinema , Evian
Thursday, October 14, 20h

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Volleyball Spandex Toe

ATTAC: Thursday, September 23: The Strategy Clash of

And here's the info for the next showing of the coils Leman:

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cinema France, 19.30
Based on the book by Naomi Klein

The film is faithful to the eponymous book by Naomi Klein published in 2007. The filmmakers illustrate the theory that Milton Friedman has called "shock treatment" that guru ultraliberalism advised politicians to impose immediately after a crisis of painful economic reforms before people had time to recover. Stages of the film were clearly defined from the outset: Pinochet's Chile, the policies of Thatcher and Reagan, the collapse of the Soviet bloc, September 11 and the growth of the industry safer, Guantanamo and the war in Iraq. .. The financial crisis having occurred during the editing of the film, it has been integrated in extremis. A vast panorama, so.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Confidential Language For E-mail

SILENCIO: Thursday, September 16th at 20h in Evian Les Amants Diaboliques

5th meeting of The Film Club Silencio

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Theater Royal in Evian 20h
Obsession, LOVERS EVIL
Luchino Visconti
1943, 2:15, DVD projection

This session will also provide an opportunity to become a member of the association!
More information on the website of the film club:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How Do You Feel 5 Dpo

SILENCIO: next meeting Thursday, August 16 at 19.15 in Evian: HOLD YOUR SCARF TATIANA, Aki KAURISMÄKI

4th meeting for the film club!

Aki Kaurismaki film
Thursday, August 26 at 19:15
Theater Royal, Evian
62 minutes, 1994.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ferrets With Dry Skin And Sores

Russ Roberts on Hayek

A very nice short piece is Hayek.